I am a collector of Carnets de voyage (travel sketchbooks).  They are scattered throughout my home, atelier and Coin Perdu in Correze and I enjoy them all over and over again! The problem is that I can get so caught up in them that I stay there and revel in their beauty and travels and strokes and stories and not get onto my own page. Here are a few of my favourites…

At the bottom you can find a list of links to some of the artists.

…carnets de voyage…


Patrice Hyver, Denis clavreul

…rochefort – denis clavreul…

Rochefort - Denis clavreul

…iles de bretagne – Patrick Camus

Iles de Bretagne - hilde Cayeux, Patrick Camus

…patrick camus…

Patrick camus

…onze peintre de la marine ..

onze peintres de noirmoutier

…ronan olier…

Ronan Olier

…le mexique – didier lisetti…

Le Mexique -Didier Lisetti

…didier lisetti…

Didier Lisetti

…aveyron – alain marc…

Aveyron - Alain Marc

…alain marc…

Alain Marc

…le jardin de l’ile de Batz – denis clavreul…

Le jardin de l'ile de Batz - Denis clavreul

…denis clavreul…

Denis clavreul



…mali secret – stefano faravelli…

Mali secret - stefano faravelli

…stefano faravelli…

Stefano Faravelli 1

…balades a montrichard – yves de st. jean…

Balades a Montrichard - Yves de St Jean

…yves de st. jean…

Yves de St Jean

Available at Edition Equinoxe.

23 thoughts on “Carnets de voyage

  1. Oh, Me, too, Ronell! I have a stash of them myself–I could browse through these for hours on end. Problem is, when I do, I fall in love with their work so much I feel so unworthy myself, afterwords! Some of these are new to me, so thanks for the links to these wonderful artists!

  2. These are almost impossible to find the in the US – and Oh how I wish I could peruse a stack of them – your ” little taste” is delicious

  3. Great collection of Carnets de Voyage! During some of my travels I have also started collecting these gorgeous books. My collection is still quite small, though. I do enjoy reading them over again and frequently, too. It’s almost like taking a mini vacation 🙂

  4. Wow – what a great collection! I should have made time for reading when i came to visit.

    This is now making me feel like I ought to get on with the one I started making!

  5. I dream of creating my own travel journal every time I go away. But I am always so busy enjoying myself that I almost never take time to sketch. So for now it is just a dream.

  6. I share the same guilty pleasure! I have no resistance to them at all. Even online – let me see that someone is posting travel sketches and I’m hooked. Now thanks to you I a few more books to check out LOL! I think I’m hoping for some form of osmosis. If I see enough wonderful travel journals it will sink into my brain and come out my hand and on to my sketchbook!

  7. What a gorgeous colleciton!!! and what a great idea!! I felt envious and guilty every ime I saw these great skethbooks in a shop; I only bought 2, and felt guilty – god knows why… I didn’t really read them, just spent hours looking at these beautiful sketches. I hadn’t even been to the places they were about! But yeah, you are completely right! What the hell, let’s have fun and start a collection!!!!!! If you say the word collection, it somehow changes the whole thing from stupid addiction you can’t help, to something you decide and control – veeeeeeeeeeery clever!!!

  8. What an amazing post, I am going to enjoy this forever and ever. It sure beats cleaning the house. Oh ya! I won’t do that anyway.

  9. Hello, Just love these books that you showed. I live in the states and was wanting to know if I can order these books and are they exoensive? Thank-you so for your blog its always so wonderful to come to I really love the cooking part and your sketchbook pages alot.
    Have a great day(:

  10. Thanks again everybody!

    Linda, I bought/buy all mine locally at bookstres here in France, but I will do some searching to see where to find them online and post some addresses soon for those outside of Europe.


  11. I love visiting your site for inspiration! Usually it doesn’t cost me so much money 🙂 … but this time, I had to get some of these books! I can’t wait until they arrive. I could find very few, living in the states, but ordered what I could.
    Are there a few that you highly recommend…in case I didn’t get those? 🙂
    LOVE your work!!! ~Dana

  12. Ronell, thank you so much for replying to me. I have been trying to respond, but the emails come back to me. I did not want you to think I was unresponsive!

  13. When I go to Paris, I hit the Joseph…(ohmygosh can’t=think-of-name) chain of stores because they have such a great selection of travel sketchbooks. I think I may have a couple dozen. Also bought some in Provence. I agree with another that they are few and far between in the states. I love them and look at them a lot. They inspire me. Thanks for some names I don’t know yet – I’ll try to add them to my collection.

Tthank you for your visit and comment, II appreciate it!